chill... nice
Wow... So many EQs...
I recorded some chords on my guitar and made a song thingy... Hope you enjoy it :D
I wanted to add more stuff but I didn't know what to add on to the track and everything I tried sounded horrible and completely ruined the atmosphere.
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0 -
0 @E-trim This is pretty old :P Thanks though!
0 Guitar ... that's enough for me to fav :)
Very nice vibe though. Very cool track. Dont need to add anything more. Its like they say 'less is more'.
0 percs are top notch too
0 is there a certain way to record guitar onto here, because if there is i would be able to make some great songs
0 it's great as is, make it longer please, thank you
0 add a muted horn or trumpet,slow and smoked out, miles davis
0 ...awesome
0 Republished
Fixed a random misspell in the title LOL
0 Gonna fix it lol
0 Great track! :)
1 w8 a sec. "abondoned"?
I think you mean "abandoned" LOL
1 love the swings in the second part. great track =D
0 yes vary good love the rain and chill and sadness xD