My second hardstyle track, my first one was not enough hard, this one sounds better.

It's obviously dedicated to Abaddon, the hardstyle master, who inspired me a lot.

EDIT : just made some minor modification like adding some rolls on the kick

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  • me gusta!

  • YA I DO :)

  • thanks, i'm glad you like it ! =)

  • haha thnxs up .. love you guys

  • you cant say HArdstyle on Audio tool with out Thinking of abaddon the godfather of HRDSTYL on audio tool you did real good with this .. personally l really really really like hard style i love to mix hard style with other genres and always find myself listening to Abaddon right before i go and make a hard style beat

  • this sounds realy great man . love the sounds i think i would add a bassline but im a abass lover haha ,, nice work man and thank you for those words ...i know im not here often now but im so busy i will be back soon i hope to listen to all wonderfull music

  • =) thank you

  • Aaaaaaaaaight awsome. I love the clap.

  • He he heeeeee

  • Heeeeee awsome job. Good hardcore. Keep it up. Fav this guys. This is awsome.


  • relax :)