I love the LOTR and The Hobbit!! So I thought I'd make a remix of The Misty Mountains Cold song. Please tell me what you think!!




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  • i have seen all of the movies like 400 times so this makes me happy! Thank you!

  • Far over, the Misty Mountains cold, to dungeons deep, and caverns old, we must away... ere break of day... to find our long, forgotten gold. The pines were roaring... Oooooon the height, the winds were moaning, iiiin the night, the fire was red... it flaming spread... the trees like torches, blazed, with light... in the book this song goes on for 4 pages! Maybe eventually i'll type them all out, but for now... the movie lyrics are good.

  • You are like freaky like me

  • If I could favorite this more thatn once I would, b/c it's just simple epic!

  • awesome

  • can I remix this?

  • at 2:12 the lead that comes in is noisy and tries to take the mood of the song up too fast, take the filter cutoff to like, 85% on the noisy lead. Great track though, I love the melodies and progressions, and im not critiquing the melody of the lead, its just a little shrilly. great track work on the lead :)

  • Good tribute :)

  • on Facebook

  • this deserves to be heard by all, so there is only one logical choice. it must be shared!

  • I'll check it out in a little bit :)

  • :)

  • republish this, so i can put it on my iPod

  • Cool song man! i like those movies too!

  • a good listen