Welcome to the mothership.


Draft 1: More edits later.

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  • This is pretty good DarkStep!

  • So... awesome!!!!

  • You're full of surprises : ^]

  • Super cool sound!!

  • good

  • it is very good)))))

  • Beautiful, I very very very love the rythms,...and all the track !! ;)

  • Please remember us little ones when you are famous. :)

  • lol. I'm doing every letter A-Z and then I'll make a double album called the "Alpha/Omega Project". Disc 1: Alpha: A-M and Side 2: Omega: N-Z. I'm crazy, I know. ;)

  • but are u writing something with this letter ??

    Y - X - V - I - U - D - A hide message ?? lol

  • okay so i just figured out how to cross things out with text lol totally by accident

  • Bunches of stars inserted here ----->( Shiny )..... Congratulations this is the random track of the hour !!! (shiny) <--------- More stars behind this

  • Aha! Ok, that's sick... XD

  • thanks! ;))

  • hehe. alien abduction was the idea. ;)