Nostalgia hits really hard with this one, really inspired me in my earliest days of audiotool. Love coming back to stuff like this.

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0 oh my god forgot about this, no promises but... REMIX TIME!!!
0 Honestly this is your best work. Ever.
0 I gotta remix this :D
0 Yes they are mcnick :)
0 are the samples from The Matrix?
0 your music is like dynamit
0 this is just awesome! i like the fact that you can watch as an artist evolves on this site you song have been getting really good.
0 i think the snare fits much better now!
0 wow, awesome track
0 Great song, I love the words about species.
0 Good track man. I see nothing wrong with it. It sounds good! Keep it up bro.
0 good job
0 Okay, I see what you fixed. Yeah, this is a lot better. Great work.
0 That was entirely unintentional :P I'm also republishing now, I've fixed the beginning and changed the snare sound. Someone needs to do a tutorial on getting a good snare, because I can't get it to sound like a pro's snare.