So, as many of you have probably noticed, I haven't been on audiotool the last few weeks. It didn't feel right just leaving without any warning, so I'm publishing this "letter" to fill you in on what exactly is happening. Right now, I've got a lot of things going on in my life. Good things. Basically, I'm trying to imrpove myself as a person by doing things like training my mind and my body to bring my grades up (even higher) and to hopefully play three sports next year too. This means I have to set priorities. And the audiotool community isn't one of them. I really am not that interested in it right now, even tho there are so many great people on it. And leaving doesn't really hurt like I thought it would. Basically, I've decided to take a break from the audiotool (and any online music) community until music becomes serious for me. I don't know if many of you know this, but I plan on making a career out of music. Please understand that me leaving the community doesn't mean I'm going to stop making music. I am still going to use the app and continue to get better. i am not switching daws. I am simply going to stop using the publishing platform for a while. I am not leaving forever. I'll come back when I'm finally ready to sell my music.

This is not a goodbye track, I will publish a fw more in the upcoming days

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  • *came back way before he was able to sell his music*

  • whenever somebody leaves the audiotool community (whether on hiatus or for good) there is a lot of people who act like they DIED...

  • Famyou aint gonna be selling no At music lmao

    • Of course but he has FL so it's all cool

    • but hes got fl

    5 more
  • pub a banger pls

  • Mate if you're gonna leave with a sexy song u gotta at least finish the sexy song lol

  • Good luck with your endevours!

  • Ok, at least youre taking a break and not leaving forever, im no longer triggered

  • i didn't know you very much. but my first remix was one of your tracks. I hope you do well.

  • its sad all the good artists are leaving

    but thank you for teaching me so much in these past few months

    you are truly a great artist and teacher <3

  • ok daddi

    i wish upon you good luck

    *raises salute*

    *tear rolls down face*

  • Take care buddy! I hope to see you soon. <3

  • I salut you

  • much respect! Go out and evolve, man...I will miss you...and so will all of your followers...