Facing a world on the brink of destruction, one man decided to take a stand. Using his wits and ridiculously good looks, this man singlehandledly saved the world they call "The Audiotool." This man was Rick Astley.

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  • Wow just discovering it now ! This is great !

  • damn that vibrato

  • This is really freakin good

    I wanna remix this now lol

  • ooo nice solo

  • "ridiculously good looks”


  • wow. first never gonna give you up, now this! WOW!

  • Great Work !!!

  • lol that description though xD

  • WOa!!

  • btf to rick! #freerick

  • woah, that work on the main synth with the tune its just so good

  • That master tune automation on the hiesen... very creative, it does sound like a real electric guitar! It would make an epic guitar solo :)

  • A beacon of hope, the hero we deserve

  • Although I do not like you, I like this.

  • oh dear god its at the point rick astley has to save us all... D8 lol great track :D