Really love what you did with this !
original: Luma - Remix Contest
by: @setsu
Here's my Trance-Formation of Luma. I hope everybody is enjoying!!!
1: Keep the melody: check!
I kept the melody but had to extend it because my lead needs 2 bars of silence for a better perfromance.
2: Keep other Synths: check!
I also kept all the other synths but changed most of the notes they were playing. Some of them with little changes in the settings.
3 : Track should last minimum 2 minutes: check!
4 : Feel free: check!
5 : Deadline > 01/09 8PM (french hour) : check!
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1 Omg this is amazing...
1 Very cool
1 ... ich wünschte wirklich ich könnte das Teil remix´n, aber... Computer sagt: "NEIN"
great job
1 Holy crap i hope you will win
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0 Sorry, don't know, why there is no Link to the Original on the right side....