
This is like my other real ping-pong delay template, except that it uses the Centroid instead of the StereoEnhancer. I noticed that the Centroid's panning works by mixing the left and right channels together on one side. For example, 100% left panning would mean that both the left and right channels are moved to the left. This is different from the panning of other devices, which fade left and right without crossing them over. This means that I don't need to use the StereoEnhancer to move sounds that are panned hard left or right to the middle. Since the StereoEnhancer has a filter, it is suboptimal for pingpong delay (the slightest bit of gain will grow exponentially). With the Centroid, 100% feedback is stable. Keep in mind, though, that latency causes the delay to be slightly out of sync.
To switch the left and right channels, I first split them and hard panned them using two minimixers (they don't mix channels together). Then I put them into a Centroid and panned each in the opposite direction. With the Centroids panning, the channels are moved to the other side rather than silenced. With the L/R switched, I fed the result into a delay and split the signal into two: one to be fed back into the L/R switcher and the other to the output.
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