'now i know the reason

why the man isnt there

cause we committed treason

and didnt treat him fair...

he woke me up one night

told me to make this song

he said "because one day

ill smite all whos doing wrong"'

-yonko gutrich

thank u all so much for the unwavering support

i attempted to the best of my ability to apply melodies from my most popular songs, just to demonstrate my growth not only as an artist, but as a person -yonko


yonko is crazy talented & well and truly slept on

if you aren't following him, do

i sent him this song a while back and he completely transformed it from a flop to what it is now

made in flash, mastered/retouched in next

hope for more work together in the future brother <3

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  • best song ever! flammmee

  • Father lord forgive me, Beating and cutting people like it was meant for me. Played me out and I said that you were dead to me. Devil gripping and he ain't letting loose of me, trying to break the chains that have been hurting me. If I never get it figured out I guess things just never really worked for me. I'm a rare breed nothing is surfacing. I meant to hurt you, I tried to die from the contraband purposely.

  • Holy

  • This sounds like it's from a Zelda game if Link sipped on some lean, lol. ^-^

  • 1 more
  • If Kib did trap.

  • these chords are utterly incredible you guys

  • mmm toasty.

  • this is great

  • holy fuck

  • known

    thank u for being such a great producer, a great collaborator, a great friend since i joined this site

    this is our first real collab in a long time, and i hope it wont be the last

    • hell yes

    • lets do it

    • it wont mannn

      we can make another one for my ep thing soon if you want <3

  • ooooooooh those hats fucked me up

  • Yess

  • This is sick nasty. Great job to the both of you <3