My life sucks. I'm stuck in a seemingly never ending loop of pain. And just when I think things are good, something fucks it over. I'm sick of this bullshit. My life is fucking meaningless, I do literally nothing but music and occasionally video games. 24/7 literally do fucking nothing. And I'm too much of a pussy to get a fucking job because I'm scared of screwing up, or being awkward in a social situation. I'm fucking sick of being literally useless. Sure I'm kinda good at music, but that's not going to get me anywhere because it's literally a .0002% chance of that happening. I just don't want to live anymore, it fucking sucks. I know it may seem like I have it all with music production shit, that's literally only because I threw my life away because I spent too much damn time on this website. I'm still fucking stuck in Algebra 1, and idk what the fuck is going on.


(The friend situation has been resolved)


I might just cut myself off from the internet for a few months and delete my discord and Audiotool so get my life together (I have no self control - is why deleting is necessary) . That or I'll fucking end it. I feel like a failure, everyone of the top audiotool artists fucking hates me only because of the people I hang out with. I fucking looked up to most of them when I was a newbie and now they fucking hate me and spread rumors. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT FUCKING DOES TO SOMEONE??!! It makes them fucking think of suicide, you fucking bitch. You know, I try my best not to piss someone off or offend someone because I don't want to be looked at as the "bad guy". I hate it. The Audiotool community needs to grow the fuck up, I'm fucking sick of it, it's fucking retarded.


I'm sure I'll get over this at some point.

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  • Hey Client. I am really sorry that you are going thru this type of stuff atm. I just wanted to let you know a few things & make you feel better a bit! :)

    Don't END your life, it's not worth it. Don't DELETE your account, it's not worth it. Everything in life gets sorted out sooner or later trust me on that one and i think everyone can say the same thing back.

    Trust me, you can get very far with your music. It's not hard & you have the talent for it, you are very good!

    • Your craft is the strongest weapon you have, remember that!

      I am really sorry about your friend, but people can be really rude at times & they don't deserve YOU or anything from YOU!

      Keep being you, live your positive as possible, don't care about what other people say about you. Keep your focus, keep your grind up & trust me.. You will get VERY far that you can't even imagine. Just never give up!

  • I think a lot of people would be very disappointed for you to delete your account. Myself included. You have many cool experiments there that new users can learn from, and you are constantly creating some new and innovative things

    Also algebra 1 is hard bro I feel that

    • Cool to see that u both got along with each other :)

  • Pro tip: If you ever get really, REALLY down, like this, then do the follow:

    1. Find a rap/bass song you like (a good song to blast)

    2. Use speakers -- no headphones, but speakers -- and absolutly BLAST THAT SUCKER. WAY TO FUCKING LOUD.

    3. Lay down on your bed, close your eyes, and let the music carry you away.

    (this actually works, or at least it did for me when I went through a hard time)

    4 more
  • i dont know u but jovee vented to me earlier and i wanted to contact u on the only platform that i know we share to say that im rlly sorry bout the position ur in rn..

  • ily client.

    every time we've talked over discord it's been a fun experience. you seem like a genuinely nice and fun guy. if you need to take a break from discord and audiotool and whatever i completely feel that. just remember, down the road, you'll forget this even happened or at least, get over it. with time, bad memories dissapear.

    make new memories and make new happiness.

  • Brother, we all find ourselves in a similar situation sometime,don't do yourself any bad about it.After the night comes the day.You just have to go through it and you will become stronger. And in front of you you will have many good days for which it is worth living.

  • In the nucleus of each atom of uranium-235 (U-235) are 92 protons and 143 neutrons, for a total of 235. The arrangement of particles within uranium-235 is somewhat unstable and the nucleus can disintegrate if it is excited by an outside source. When a U-235 nucleus absorbs an extra neutron, it quickly breaks into two parts. This process is known as fission (see diagram below). Each time a U-235 nucleus splits, it releases two or three neutrons. Hence, the possibility exists for creating a chain

    • How am I becoming twitter???

    • its the lack of realization that you cannot and will not change how someone veiws the world, and you sure as hell aint gonna get a good reaction from doing so. Please for the love of fucking christ at, refrain from becoming twitter.

    4 more
  • about ppl, dont give them more attention or importance than they deserve, most of them are 10yo, play fortnite, have rest of cum on their keyboard and never touched a woman excepted the one on the poster on their bedroom wal...

    about music, ur a beast, yeah i know we prob wont be famous ever, I mean if u wanna be famous low ur level bro, just do mainstream rap or pop shit, sing bullshits on it like "yeah nigga ive got a lot hoes, cars and cocaine" in our society that will probably make a hit...

    • Anyway I’m there for ya whenever you need bro, I struggled hard too earlier in my life I know what ur talking about, see ya on the collab later

    • it is true these are first world problems. but the thing with depression is they push him to the point of suicide. knowing other people stuggle harder doesn't help. the struggle people are actually stronger for living, depressed people are victims of their own head.

    2 more
  • You could learn from me. People hate me and i dont even know. Im like a ghost here.

    • It could be higher. Honestly i thought my acc was dead

    • bro u prob the worst ghost Ive ever met then, 650 (followers) ppl watch u on this site, if ur a ghost Im probably into the nothingness or abyss of this site

  • This the same client i spoke to yesterday?💀

    No joke tho, it happens.

  • man this is bad im so sorry dude i hope everything gets better if you ever need to vent or something like that you know im here

    • Same with me. Feel free to vent on my wall or whatever you feel like. I don't mind in the least.

  • One of my friends has chronic depression and is on medication. Another one of my friends gets shit grades, fights with his parents, is planning to drop out of high school, has no job, and can't fucking pass geometry.

    These two friends are some of the happiest people I know.

    The point is that shit happens, but you can't let it drag you down. If you ever, EVER, need a helping hand with something, just post it on your wall, and trust me, the Client (Or I'm Sorry) fans WILL COME RUSHING IN.

    1 more
  • So like fuck the rep come back

  • Also it doesnt matter if you go anywhere with music. If you cant quit, then dont. Talk to me if you need help with math ur gonna shit urself how easy algebra is. I dont think ur a pussy about getting a job, just nervous. You dont have the full perspective. Everyone messes up at work.

    • hes absoutly right i used to work at a job but i quite becuase i had school it honestly isnt bad and there is nothing to worry about atleast if u wont work as a bagger.... never work as a bagger thats my advice. also i think im missing the point here but dont end it all ik exactly what you mean by this and you just started your life even i think so and im 16... my neice told me that ur life doesnt even begin untul u graduage high school and its only been 1-2 years that isnt bad at all

  • Also ur blaming urself too much. If the higher ups being haters thats not ur problem.