It will soon be a year since my mother died.

My soul is filled with longing.

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  • listened to them all on at radio before

  • Thank you all for your support !

  • Loved ones will always be a part of us

    Much love to you, my friend and her, wherever she is <3

  • I am truly sorry for you loss and I cant feel what your feeling but... I understand. She will always be in your heart forever and always.

    May god be with you

    • With pleasure bro, always here if you need to talk

    • Thanks for the advice my friend.I'll try to do that.

    • I asked myself the very same questions. Writing letters and then burning them helped me to go through that. I found in it a way to share feelings stuck in my heart, and to let go of thoughts stuck in my mind. A great help to reach inner peace without forgetting the loved one

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  • That's awful to hear, sorry that you're going through that. I don't know that feeling but I can't imagine how painful it must be. I hope that you're ok, and If you're not that's understandable I know it's been a year but the pain is still there. If you need to talk about anything let me know

    • Sometimes you need to take the situation into your own hands, and not impose on others.But I could not help her with her illnesses; I did not know how to cure her.

    • No, I don't blame myself.But I was not ready for what happened.I was hoping more for doctors.

    • It's not anything to do with you I'm sure. I'm not sure what happened but It sounds like you did the best you could to take care of her, That doesn't make it any easier to deal with but I just hope you don't blame yourself

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  • Sorry for your loss! I wish you better days ahead

  • My sister passed away three years ago, I walk by your side my friend. It is in such hard times that we get the chance to fully understand the precious value of life and to live every day like if it was our last one on Earth. Sending you lots of love <3

    • Thank you friend.

      I know that all people lose loved ones dear to them.But I can't come to terms with it.

  • i know the feeling, one of my friends committed suicide around this time. that was nearly 3 years ago...

    may your mother rest in peace dude, I bet she was an awesome person :)

    • Thank you very much.

      Yes, she is the dearest person to me.

  • Heartbreakingly beautiful.