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  • man i remember spending soo much time on this lol

    • Lol I remember going through multiple drafts of different ideas I wanted to do for this one, I even took stems that I painstakingly recorded and got onto a version of ableton I had back then and I did a shit ton of stuff with that but lost it in a hard drive failure

  • Republished

    tis be done

  • aww man I am too late. :(

  • I was gonna enter but my ideas were scattered at what i should do

    • Plus everyone and their grandma entered so

  • Considering how many people have entered do not expect results to come soon. Of all of the ones here so far, i'd say at least 24 hours after.

  • tomorowwwww

  • I'll remix when my chromebook gets back

  • Ur gonna have a hard time judging this lmao

  • im gonna be running late as hell, again, ive been working on my remix in bits and peices

  • All of the remixes so far (excluding melancholy [unfin]) add up to 1951 seconds

  • Oh hey there’s about a week left

    1 more
  • the due date is a day after my birthday lol

  • Oh neato if only my computer was working...