(In-game dialogue)

[In a spaceship, not so far away from Earth...]

???: Emerald's blog number 40; just recently arrived at a new planet that seems to be habitable.

A lot of others say that this is a hostile planet with vile creatures,

but me and my crew are about to prove that wrong.

I've done some research about this and it seems to be called "Earth";

a place where the "humans" live and is widely known for its various cultures.

With all sorts of natural disasters going on there, they probably will expect a medical personnel to arrive at the scene, like me.

Now with this out of the way, all we got to do is-

BF: Brep bee skoo pip pap!

Emerald (Looks over): What the...

'How did a human get here, and what language is he speaking in?'

'No, don't bother asking.'

BF: Pap bee brrt bee sk bep pap?

Emerald: Nah, it's nothing.

Anyways, what brings you all the way out here, human?

GF: Well, Boyfriend plans on having a rap battle with you.

Emerald (Confused): A rap battle?

GF: Yeah; he seemed a bit energized since the last time we faced someone.

Emerald (Worried): Physical?

I'll be glad to help out!

GF: Nope, that's not what I meant.

Emerald: Oh...

Anyways, you still up for a round "Boyfriend"?

BF: Bo brrt ska beep bip brep bop skrrt skdaa!

Emerald: Alright, let's do this!

'Why do I get the feeling that whatever he's trying to say makes sense to me...'

(Music starts)

[Translation used is from ]


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