Hey everyone!


Took me quite a while....just cause life's been kinda busy. Really happy how it came about, the idea of it all, and how it all came together. Wanted to tell a story of a future where, there's this Archive far far away, of all the artists on AudioTool but, I had problems recording myself talking, and an AI was post a be talking, and a whole thank you at the end, to all my fans and artists who inspired me.....which I'll do right now! x3


BIG THANKS to all my listeners and followers. I wouldn't be here today, if I didn't have anyone liking the music that I make xD Hope you guys can keep on listening!


Thank you to, Infyuthsion, Xavi, Uprising, STAGEFRIGHT, Flear, Zerod, Bluedude, Vulkron, and Kurea, for inspiring me, giving me motivation, showing me how to work AudioTool, and teaching me your ways of making songs, to making me the artist that I am today!


Another Thanks to RiMi, okin, Sonic3ze, MOMO, Syntax, ICEBOX, Stormdrain, and yito, for being awesome people to talk to, and to have a good time! Music they make are really good too!


Shout out to, joVee, Perdition, and Vault Boy. Their Basses and songs they make, are dope AF, and I hope to actually, make those type of basses and songs in the future!


I hoped you all enjoyed the song, and I have some BIG plans coming up ahead! So stay tuned!


ANOTHER BIIIIIIIIIIIG THANK YOU! To the amazing artist "RamenShark" for making this AMAZING cover art for me! Got the whole idea down 100%. Please go check them out here! : Be cool to help them out!

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  • Whoa, it's huge!

    Lovely intro, gotta say- you have a really special style, using major key in dubstep without loosing the hard-going momentum you carry into the drop and all those great things. That change in the buildup to triplets right before the drop is super sick! Those kinda transitions aren't at all easy, but you totally made it flow like water! Nice job man.

    I love you to death and everything you've contributed to audiotool! This place wouldn't be at all the same without you around. :)

  • Based on your snapshot alone, the timeline of this track must be insane-lmao

    Nice work, and that growling bass you throw in here and there is sick man!!

  • This should be first

  • the fact you got someone to make such detailed cover art for this automatically makes me love this track lol

  • I've heard this one numerous times already, and it still baffles me how creative and well produced this is. The atmosphere in the intro is absolutely outstanding, and the sound design is amazing as always. More people need to hear this!

    (Thanks for the mention in the desc. too :D )

  • This is really good sound design, fantastic work!