you can take the world apart

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  • amazing work, this is so beautiful <3

    • reposting for people to hear this in their notifications

  • This is just such a masterpiece. It feels effortlessly indie in that sense. No big sounds, no ornaments, just a very pure.

  • youu caan taake the woorld apaaart...

  • how have i never found this?

  • Yes I likes 99.99 percent of the comments praising this song

    I just fucking love this so damn much it's making me cry goddamnit T-T

    Listening this at 3am in the dark while pondering the essence of the soul hits me different

    • Oh God brb

      I need to Let My Emotions Out to this

  • someone already said it but this so is Radiohead esque

    This sound exists in its own space and time continuum

  • I'd love to remix this into a melodic dubstep track

  • rewatched the video to this, still leaves me breathless every time

  • how does it keep getting better

  • killing it. 1:26 got chills with the entrance of that chord + vocals. slightly reminds me of this korean folktronica artist mid air thief

  • damn i cant believe i didnt hear this till now

    • nine inch nail vibes

  • Would I be able to remix this and sing with you maybe..?

  • Actually can't stop listening to this

  • Ur vibe just screams DLTZK

    • oh shit you just put me onto a new artist, listening to frailty rn and it bangs so fucking hard

  • emotional af i love it