Listen to it before it's finished.

Any criticism would be greatly appreciated, because I know that it's pretty bad right now.

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  • yeah i'm never finishing this lol

  • but i agree with iii, i feel like the drop basses need reverb or more textures

  • Pan the voice back and forth like -30 left to 0 center to 30 right

    • honestly i might get rid of that since it was just supposed to be a joke

  • so fucking dark, youre a living legend

    • aww thanks man

      i wouldn't call myself a living legend but i do appreciate it

  • nice basses, fill out the empty bits a little more

    • i should probably stop switching between accounts when i reply to stuff

    • the original version of this track was made over half a year ago and was way more minimal than what it is now, but when initially started to try and complete it, i got really inspired by your track Broken Spire.

    • i see

    1 more
  • wonky as fuck

  • and everything after 4:25 i haven't done any work on so yeah

  • just to clarify, this is going up on my main account when it's done, and not this one.