So I decided to finish, Um why did I choose to do this? I'm still a dumbo at music. bRo.

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  • w,

  • Republished

    Made some minor edits and changes.

  • i need to know thy way of super saws

  • Republished

    Made some more edits.

  • Republished

    Added tempo automation and edited some more.

  • Republished

    I'm too lazy to list what I edited but I pretty much did what Seismic told me to do. I also did a lead variation.

  • ok so very first chord i already love

    i like the downsampling

    ok so the lead sounds a bit too loud, maybe turn it down slightly. also it might be good to add some reverb to the lead

    also the bass is kinda quiet

    chord at 0:42 is nice

    ok so 0:59 is a little earpiercing, i suggest lowpassing that and filtering it in or eq-ing the highs to be a lil less sharp if u dont want to filter it in

    1:43 is very cool. maybe u could have added an impact there... just an idea tho

    • 2:13 the bass slides are nice

      2:42 u might want to highpass the downlifter there cuz i can hear some of the low end which is at a different note compared to ur song

      overall very enjoyable! nice work!!

    • It doesn't say but yeah.

    • It's literally edited from the original-

    • I couldn't wait that long to like the song!! It's really good! TwT