Who killed this beat the best?

1. Draco

2. Uzeh

3. Rhino

4. Ikethakid

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  • draco

  • Old times

  • omg

  • my beat was so trash oml

  • All of these are fye tbh

  • when are you guys doing part 3

  • yeee yall made a part two and i heart it. its hawddd

  • the original always better

  • 6 more
  • Will forever be a memory :(

    • I could text him n tell him hop on AT

    • we dont miss people till they're gone

    • mane we need rhino back :(

    2 more
  • this slaps fr

    • rhino giving memories though its sad

    • Rhino always had some raw ass unexpecting ass heat

    • yea

    1 more
  • 3 needs a harder kick

    • lookin back at it. rhino prolly had the best part cuz his kicks weren't that loud and the way he progressed the beat was too hard

    • thought that but i wont sure

  • lookin back at this. rhino and draco sorta had the same feel and I'm fw it a lot. lot of metro hype on rhino and draco jus had his own flavor which imma always like

    2 more
  • I like Draco's best, Here's why:

    1. The bighead 808 is underused so I appreciate him using it instead of a spinz

    2. The melody has a soft, calm vibe, and the 808 is not too crazy, and goes with the melody

    3. The percs and hats add the unique vibe without making the beat too much for the melody

    4. The kick is not too distorted, although it could be turned down a bit, but that's my opinion

    5. I like that the open hat hits with the kick, I used to do that because it creates more of an impact.

    • that explains it then

    • like i said before, i didnt try but lmao still

    • I Just think your drums are a little much for this track that's all lol

    1 more