Even though I don't identify as lgbtq+, there's probably more hardships that I can even begin to imagine in a life for a person identifying as such due to homophobia, prejudice or simply lack of knowledge among the public. This is in my opinion unbelievably unfair, as they're essentially being discriminated for an unchangable part of their personality.
This song is therefore a tribute to all the people who are facing hardship when showing the world their true identity and to those who can't even show the world their true identity because of circumstances at home.
Even though I can't make all your troubles go away, I can however bring music into your life and hopefully be able to make it just a wee bit more cheerful, or as they used to call it back in the days: gay!
I was not familiar with that game so I gave the theme song a listen, and yes, there's definitely a resemblance in terms of vibe—a kind of hyperactive over-the-top electronica fusion. Not sure whether this is on more cocaine though (speaking as a person with no experience of the real life substance whatsoever), as the Fall Guys theme is quite intense to begin with. :P
Wow, thanks for your kind words! What could be better than a song connected to the subject of one’s romantic preferences to actually bring out feelings of love. :3
! Although, technically I have only attempted to emulate one organ in this track, but I realize that there might have been other sounds in here reminiscent of an organ. :)