imma make this remixable lol

One of the few songs i'm willing to finish but idk if it's good or not xD
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1 Refav. :D
0 Republished
made changes i should have done awhiiile ago
1 Damn those kicks are vicious
1 I'd adjust the swing to a more prominent speed and the kick a bit slower, and the highs and lows are a single layer.
I recommend spreading them out and having it as an accent with the extreme highs.
0 Sounds good
3 Cover art:
when the deodorant says 48 hours but you eat it in 2 minutes:
2 i scrolled past this rea quick i thought it was the cool aid man
1 maybe more to the drop at 0:45 like use that pluck again but that is just me
(cover art reference)
1 noice!
try adding more of those metalic plucks, and make the bass thicker, it sounds like a noodle lol.
that is all I have idk much about bass house lolol
0 smile :D
2 Sounds like something from Payday 2
1 sounds epic dude. you should def finish this
1 on the drop change the melody to triplets
just for that indian hardcore vibe