Welcome to the chill side of AT.

Stay here a while.

Chill a lil.

Try not to stress abt shit rn.

That can wait for later.

Life is short.

Just vibe.


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  • This sample reminds me of Anomalie - Epilogue. Its on Youtube.

  • I should do more j a z z

    1 more
  • I did this sample

    • didn't we all

    • haha felt that

    • labeling everything as Lo-Fi is my go-to excuse for shitty mixing skills

    2 more
  • this is chill af

    • how's this version

    • while the low quality high end feel is dope, for the most amount of chillness, a warm bass can really help

    • aye when I was mastering I took away a lot of frequencies to give it a sorta CD-old mp3 player feel but i gochu on the shakers n whatnot

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