I rap for the first time ever on AT, am i trash, am i hot FILTHY GARBAGe? or am I actually pretty good, please let me know i want feedback! :D

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  • ViStAgOtBaRz

  • is it bad that i literally hear a completely different flow?

    (and different words)

  • 00:50

    vistamista, why are you in a private bathroom rapping?

  • this is mad good!

  • Nice bro, about the vocal processing, I'm not the best but I know some things: You should make a highpass at arount 100-120hz to erase all the low frequencies that our voice can't even make, then, cut a little at the mid-frequencies of the voice and raise a little bit the high-end, it always helps, but, obviously, it depends on how the voice was recorded. After that, use a compressor and you can add the effects you want, your vocals are ready for what you want :), I like this thing

  • For a first time, this is really nice. i like the flow. i dont know a lot about vocal processing so sorry if my terms are cancer, but your vocals do feel a little too deep. i dont understand half of what youre saying, that might just be the beat but idk. i like the angry tone you carry, but like what namahage said its a little robotic. as you continue to rap youll naturally grow out of that, but just something to keep in mind. overall though awesome track, fun little bop...

    • ...that you can very easily improve yourself upon. im interested to hear what your rapping would sound like on your own beats, since theyre so abstract and unique. nice job bud, i really enjoy this!

    1 more
  • just make the rhyme schemes better, the flow and the mixing and all of that is really nice!

  • i love all of ya'lls feedback, i really appreciate it! <3

  • I think it sounds good! For sure better then what I can do.

  • u could cut the vocal a tad so it maches more

    • add ott to your vocals all of that u know

  • listening again i have to agree with namahage said

  • Imma keep it 100 cuz you said you wanted feedback.

    This isn't as bad as it could be, but the delivery and the flow ain't hittin right bro. It sounds kinda robotic and doesn't really convey the emotion of the lyrics, also, the flow needs to be improved as well. Try using less syllables and try to make the lyrics fit the beat more instead of just....talking I guess.

  • yooooo whatt

    • appreciate that dawg <3

  • not a big fan of it but i can't say why -- maybe more emotion/emphasis on certain words?

    eg you could make "you told me to fuck off? unrefusable" sound more like a question instead of a dead on sentence

  • Lit!!!!