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  • love this beat dude u go dude

  • 'Watch!ng Mov!es W!th The Sound Off' Was/!s my favor!te Mac album but my favor!te songs by h!m are !n The Morn!ng, Objects !n The M!rror, Clubhouse, & Brand Name. Really good beat btw

    • truth be told, he's posessing me lol he died the day I got out of rehab. I wasn't heavy into making music until that point. Up to the poiint of being hospitalized, mac miller was the only artist I listened to. It might just be some weird trauma, but I really feel like I have a piece of his soul inside of me lol

    • @DJ Kelso(Archive) Yo man ! fw all those tracks HEAVVYY Mac was one of a k!nd 'The D!v!ne Fem!n!ne' was another project ! l!ked a lot w!th that song u named ft Kendr!ck. Sw!mm!ng was also amaz!ng 'Hurt Feel!ngs', Ladders, & What's The Use? are my favor!tes from there too. Then ! love h!s verse from 'The End !s Near' ft. Ab-Soul. Mac was just overall !ncred!ble ! could go on all day abt !t.

    • shit man, I can't disagree with you, but I personally like the swimming album because I made more of a personal connection to it. My favorite songs are Diablo, Buttons, When in rome, Day One(which isn't a commonly played mac miller song), Inertia(which is a freestyle he did, I FUCKING LOVE THE FLOWS IN THIS ONE), What's the use?, God is fair, Sexy Nasty feat Kendrick Lamar, Therapy, and New Faces feat Earl Sweatshirt and Dash.

      I'm basically a mac miller guru XDD

  • <3

  • this came out a lot better than i expected