joe - vista carried me

vista - joe carried me

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    what a gem u 2

  • still a bop

  • space gang wya

  • solid bop <3

  • This is underappreciated

  • Woah I missed this?

    Damn so nice

  • yes! love this so much!

  • yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    all the "gang" jokes aside, this track is fcking fire! I love the energetic vibe it has, but at the same time that lofi feeling it gives you that lets you relax! I love this joe and vista, keep up the good work!

    now all the "gang" jokes NOT aside, LIAR, YOU ARE PART OF SPACE GANG CONFIRMED #heretic

    • upset cause your gang is losing

  • ouuuuuuuuuuuu

  • one of the smoothest colabs ive ever been apart of. @viista has an incredible ear for what needs to go where <3 so much fun


  • love when the open hat and kick hit at the same time

    • its the waveshaper. It does this faux clipping and it makes for some really good lofi aesthetic distortion

  • would you guys mind opening download

    • I took off remixes and downloading because recently I’ve found my songs on other websites without my name as credit. So I’m keeping them unavailable for a while

  • woah this slaps