
saxophone idea @awk

crits welcome

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  • Fckin good as usual, long live to the king of ambient

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    took out some vox, increase sax, worked on sax chops. open remix so you may see that sax chop beauty

    • thanks for the idea!

    • Brooooo that's hot....

  • Man you know what would just MAKE this track - a small sax or trumpet loop. Dude.

    I'm super into this though, it's well chill. I dig it.

    • Yea man, like a gentle trumpet would sound *dope*.

    • i actually had a sax, but ended up taking it out. adding brass is a good idea ty

    1 more
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    chopped up saxophone

  • oh nice and relax :o

    I like the synths a lot. Personal point of view, I would enhance the intensification over each chord. By increasing the chords' attack time, automating the LFO depth, or something else so that the wobbling effect will progressively intensify over the chord