it ain't a race bro ^_^ lol
Thank you all so much for the 80 followers :D i would not be as motivated without you all. i love what i do here and i love the community that helps and supports me on a daily basis. thank you all soo much ^_^ (kudos for anyone that knows the cover and tune ^_^)
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0 Well, this race is starting to heat up. I'm at this point now. YOU ARE WITHIN MY SIGHTS.
0 check yer wall. i think you misunderstood :p
0 hey man.. it is for me. i set it and im happy.
0 80 followers looool... that isn't really a milestone. but ok ;p nice little tune
0 well i try to not make it a race. its not about quantity. its about quality. and my followers i think are a pretty decent community of people :)
0 You lie, it totally is a race. A race which I need to catch up in.
0 lol its not a race man ^_^ but thanks (i guess?)
0 hmm.. i got the tune about... 50% accurate :)