Check this tune out over at OOukfunkyOO -


I have a feeling this is how Nico's brain works during the time when he's making music.

It is like you convert his neuron signals and data into sound. So I think this is what is happening in his brain while he's making music.


I listened to almost all Nico's experimental tracks and I have to say they are unique. They are very different. So I had to go out of the frames on this. Nico as well is becoming a trap kid. When he opens the studio his brain is having errors because he wanted to make a unique song but slowly started adding in trap elements and turning the song into a trap beat. So in his brain errors are reminding him - you are a trap kid - Jokes aside all his music is unique and delicious. So I combined trap + experimental out of frames vibes.

If you are down for a unique experimental experience and trap songs once in a while then go follow NICO now or I'm going to fuck your brain up.

Follow - @nico


Previous work before the republish:


Check out other tunes:

Brainworks - Audiotool Role Play

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  • ok hear me out but earl...

  • I decided to listen to this in tandem with the video provided for best results

    and got exactly what I anticipated

  • ez refav

    i think its my fav from the series thus far

  • Republished

    Major Republish. Yesterday I got a bit drunk and I started asking a question is this really Nico? Okay from the experimental side, yes, but the problem is, it has too much energy in it. Nico's tracks are very unique, but they are way calmer. In fact, I would smoke a joint listening to them. Nico's experiments are subtle, mellow, calm, and ethereal. They have energy in them, but that energy is soft.

    • Pasted. It is pretty easy to understand now. Will be amazing to see what you replace the sounds with. You can recreate automations the way you need.

    • sent! i would also be interested in a track together, if you're into it - after your well deserved break of course <3

    • alright i’ll send a blank draft within the hour :)

    11 more
  • yeah this is great

    nico fits somewhere between effortless and intentional creativity

    • I haven't been realy active for all these years.

    • also you've been here for as long as me haha how have we not crossed paths before????? did u go by any other names?

    • thanks for sharing man, looking forward to more in this series if u choose to continue

    5 more
  • Amazing.

  • Yo whos going to be the next ?

    • alright dude take some rest

    • I am on a 2-week break I guess. I got too exhausted on this and on everything in general. Too much music.

  • Lol do I even need to say anything at this point? I don't think I do, not like I'll say anything someone else hasn't said before anyways.

  • amazing work bro!

  • sila can I stan you now

    • hah man thank you! :) I appreciate it

    • i love how you can turn a SIMPLE friggin vocal audiotrack into something so surreal and wild like- I HAVE NO WORDS MAn!! I AM A LITERAL STAN AND I WISH TO FRIGGIN ACHIEVE WHAT YOU'RE ACHIEVING AAAAUGH

    • oh wait i already have

  • holy look at the snapshot

  • Republished

    minor automation fixes

  • sound master

    • oh, Sir. Jesus Christ.

  • okay ive been waiting for this one

    safe to say i am satisfied


    • Nah I am going to sleep. Sorry