back to the elimination of all nonexistent context that I was never was discussing in the first place

for the sole purpose of it hitting my rear hard when I least expect it but ok what was the words again oh yeah the words are "no context" ok


first track callback

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  • The lack of context surrounding the second line, first half of the description carries a most dreadful tone

  • This would sound good with some slightly vocoded vocals with a flanger on them, maybe something along the style of daftpunk or something if that makes sense

    • I really like this one though. Gives me Moe Shop vibes.

    • Kind of like some vaporwave vocals or something just not pitched down lol

  • Republished


  • will you adpot me

  • you really know how to use that rasselbock got dang

    • actually I did more sample chopping than actual use of the rasselbock