Patient Zero.

The second track in the EP.

The tracks become less and less degraded as the EP goes on.

I heard this baseline and loved it and i really wanted to learn to flush things like this out, and play with them, and learn to be more of a producer. I had CRAZY fun with this. -sonic3ze

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  • reminds me of The Glitch Mob :)))

  • That drop needs more power

    • Having a little more bass in what I'm listening with helps a lot actually. It's really just an issue with how harmonics are split up. With better headphones it sounds awesome.

    • If i'm being honest, the clippy sound makes it feel a little less out there and a little closer to flat. I still like it, but there's something missing as far as dynamics go.

    • The way your describing it, is EXACTLY how i wanted it to be. I didnt want it to be a "normal" track. this one was more of a concept piece. Its supposed to sound a little out there at certain parts.

    5 more
  • C Y B E R P U N K 2 0 7 7

    • M O N S T E R S P A G H E T T I

    • H A R R I S O N F O R D

    • B L A D E R U N N E R 2 0 4 9

  • This is exactly my style, grunge, glitch and heavy bass

  • this this about a school shooting?lol