feedback is always appreciated. tell me how it makes you feel. Is it boring, exciting, too loud, not loud enough? I want to know your honest thoughts and opinions

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  • tbh I'd say there is some super low end that makes the kicks and bass too pounding, but that is all I have

    this is still a great track on headphones, and expensive ones at that lol

    these sony mx4s have been carrying me since last christmas

    ok also the snare at 2:00 is to loud when out of it's element

  • htr I have done the mistake of missing this

    this was before I starting keeping up with my following list again

    This is a really good track!!!

    • Thanks big dog! glad to hear from you again!

    • I think everything sounds pretty good tbh

      I agree with sonic about a volume boost

      I'd need to listen to headphones to really nitpick, but this sounds really good on speakers!

  • Volume could be boosted.


  • Republished

    final mix.. hopefully ;)

  • Republished

    final mix.. hopefully ;)

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    big arrangment changes. trying to improve the overall flow of the track to prevent it from being too stale at times

    • thanks big man :) honestly think i got too excited about this track an pubbed it a little pre-maturely. usually i ask my gf how she feels about the track before i finish it. She's the only person who's not afraid to tell me the song i just made is boring or not lol

    • actually dancing in my bedroom

  • Dawg you POPPED off from the last time I touched this. Goes dummy hard <3

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    lowered some high end levels