There weren't very strict rules set in place. We just decided on something and went with it. Pls comment who you think wins.

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  • i would totally take a rematch

  • Fuck you im battling emp once im ungrounded from nothing

    • ide take that

      just be warned im alot better then, and beat block isnt as much as a problem anymore

    • no balls

    • do it before you get ungrounded from nothing

  • Both were good tbh...

    But if I had to choose, it would be Seismic.


    Because of dem melodies ofc! XD

    • LIAR!!!! DONT LIE!! MINE WAS NAWT GOOD!! THE TRANSITION SUCKED!!! XD im just messin xyphr~ ^^

  • yeah seismic won

  • i think i lost XD

  • both are sick asf

    but i really like EMPs part, sounds like some heist-movie music, so cool.

  • for the first part that bass is out of tune with the other synth

    • cuz if ur talking about the piano, then I got that audio file from chrome music lab

    • btw which synth

    • ok thx for the critique!

    1 more
  • seismic won

  • Fyi EMP's part is first, then mine is next...