The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak moutain climb car was a twin-turbo, 2.5L V6 powered beast on the famous moutain climb we call pikes peak. Cranking out an astronomical 974 HP, at 9000 RPM, the Escudo could accelerate you to 206 MPH. This was only made in 1995-1998.

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  • Yall remember this XD

  • Republished

    it really needs the brass hit(srry bread, but it sounds better)

    • it can be in the start to the middle and finally to the end. If just sounds very worse if you spam it multiple times.

  • LV inv me to this the claps sound off

    • k, i noticed that too

  • ohhhh,ur SatoruHalo, thats what u meant

  • i aint gon lie i did nothing but del that siren bro

    13 more
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    deleted brass hit