now i know you're wondering... why i remixed an already existing remix well truth be told i didn't actually realize it was a remix until i checked again but at that point i was too deep to turn back so don't get your panties in a twist and just enjoy :)

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  • 01:38 fuck man i forgot about these chords holy shit

  • I like this

    • haha thanks bro it was your ideas that really made me want to remix it!

  • refav

  • Start spamming my wall when you make stuff hoe I never think to look

  • refav amazing !!!

    • Thanks for the constant support all these years man

  • still as beautiful as ever

  • still as beautiful as ever

    • still out of ideas as ever

  • love those 808s, great track

  • I don’t need to say anything beside good fuckin job okin

    • :) thanks so much I really do appreciate you taking a moment of your time to check it

  • Lmao DUDE! xD I'm legit remixing the song too! uwu Love your version though man. Pretty neat.

    • Haha aww crap I didn't know man but thanks for liking it and I can't wait till you drop your version it's gonna be a banger

  • love this, one of your best works yet imo. melodies compliment each other very very well, and those 808 slides just couldnt be cleaner. awesome work bud

    • Thank you for giving your thoughts man, since this is the last track of 2019 I will most likely try and make an effort to rearrange some stuff to be more authentic and from myself... Obviously I have a lot of other things to fix up and plus real life stuff sort of halts me from doing so now but if I find the time this will most likely get some tune ups

  • that bounce 808 tho, Bruh

    • Really appreciate that feedback siren

  • no one wanna check this?