jaaydnn - tiko is underrated as all fuck, and it was a pleasure to collab with him. check his shit out.

tikowun - aaGnjrnhjhn honestly i was REALLLYYYY nervous when i joined the collab-- i seriously didn't think it would go so well! tbh, this was more of a random/"if it sounds nice, it stays" kind of track, and i don't mind! it was genuinely fun to collab with em and hey! maybe em and I will do a more quote/unquote, "SERIOUS" track the next time we collab, but i'm not too sure. for now, i just wanna maybe work on doing small, quick tracks. i prefer those than working my butt off doing a full 2-4 min track or something, lol. but, in general, jaaydnn was AMAZING to collab with and i hope we continue combining our styles (i still don't know if i even have a style lol) to something greater- maybe unexpected! :>>>>

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  • this was so long ago

  • tiko i actually think that you guys make very simular music . Like youre merchant #2 in my opinion

    • well some of my stuff is inspired by em so i guess that's kind of the reason xD

  • i think i was waiting you two to collab for some time

    • wjfnjengh- well, we're darn happy to have collabed and we wouldn't hesitate to do another again C:<