making a series of drum kits made entirely from the pulv (with no effects) for your convenience, each one following a certain genre

this is lofi

sample is not mine, just there for a filler

everything is a preset, feel free to use it

tell me what genre you want next

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  • v nice! some ideas for your next experiments:

    re. the high-end percs (especially the hats), switch the filter to LP/HP to boost the resonance wherever you want with the frequency knob, while keeping a clear high-end (in contrast, the LP/LP will always muffle the hats if the freq is <15kHz). set the spacing >0% to HP the hats & remove the low end. and with the filter's LFO, the resonance can 'vibrate', which is especially nice for cymbals with long release like open hats

    • another thing re. the cymbals, by tweaking the AMP env, you can create both open & closed hihats. and out of curiosity, why are all your pulv's AUDIO IN activated? i see quite a few people who do that, but i can't figure out why ahah

    • re. the "kick" preset, the volume knob to remove the clipping would be around -19.15dB. re. the "kick2" preset, it would be around -9dB. it's clipping because you have all the OSCs activated and a strong resonance, but it sounds good here as it's lofi; just saying to keep in mind to adjust the volume when you'll be looking for a cleaner sound ;)

    • oldschool is what im looking for! :D

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  • I like the snare, the kick is a lil weird but still a kick so that's cool, I also think the hats are good

    • if you wanna try, go ahead! remix open, thats the purpose of this :)

    • yeah, i agree

    • The snare is very original though I think its offtune and needs tuning with a rasslebock on speed.

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  • Good job !