This ending is only granted when you complete the commander trials

Onei and Odera release their merged form after running the gauntlet. Together, they've made it through, though, the caveat being their dependence on each other during the trials. At Onei and Odera's current level, their merged form, Oneira, is acknowledged to be on the same level as the commanders in their fully unleashed states. Oneira cannot hold their form for very long, so they cannot become a commander themself, which is just fine with Onei and Odera. This much was an achievement in itself, and they still stand proud.

About three centuries have passed since it all began. The Astral Plane has finally been making major progress in healing from the loss of Ether, but, nevertheless, her absence still stings. Most astral beings have grown tremendously from their experiences when Onei appeared and changed EVERYTHING, Odera helping along the way. Since then, both Onei and Odera have been experiencing prodigous levels of growth and maturity. They have been training with the commanders and are now nearing hyperdyme levels all on their own! Power aside, they have also made incredible contributions to the Astral Plane, and have proven to be essential to it's continued cultivation. Both Onei and Odera's journeys continue, their paths occasionally diverging only to come together again in an eternal cycle of amity.

You can expect the story to be edited, and descriptions updated occasionally, especially now that the soundtrack is TRULY complete.

I can't say for certain if there will ever be a game or not but thank you all for joining me on this incredible journey. It was worth every moment of love and pain.

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  • i forgot i had a remix draft of this-

    • i might be insane :|

    • nevermind, i didn't.

  • pop off!

  • Everything in this project is amazingly produced, fits each of their sections of the narrative, and somehow doesn't all sound the same. As much as it would be very hard for me to pick favorites, this 90+ tracks series follows an ebb and flow that allows for enough variation to pick favorites and I honestly love that. I'm so happy you powered through, thank you thank you thank you for making this <3