hows this?

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  • nice making it longer i also really like the end/break down at the end


  • Republished

    5 mins l0ng now?????? thats double than what it was

  • Republished

    made longer O-O

  • Spooky scary skeletons?

    So true

  • This is actually amazing. .-.

  • Republished

    made some changes

  • Hm, pretty nice. I like the chords, although they are simple. I'd point out though, that the lows are a bit muddy and something fights with the supersaw at 01:17 , or perhaps it's the compression. Also, the drums seem a bit drowned in the other elements, that is, the high-end hihats are fine, but I would make the snare come thorugh a bit more. There are also bits where I think the kick side-chain is a bit too long and it cuts up the other sounds, I would change that, perhaps making the kick (1)

    • Sit in the mix so it doesn't have to fight that much. That's usually a tricky thing in DNB, because the drums are so fast that the sidechain clumps up.

  • Nice!!

    -nice verse at 00:12

    -love the build up!!!!! at 00:33 snares could be turn down just a little tho

    -Drop is nice 00:54

    -nice break down at 02:01

    over all a great remix!!!


  • Republished

    made longer and added more