
Welp i am not dead, i am still alive! Hehe

I am glad to be back here and giving you something special from me & what i started with here on Audiotool and that's oldschool Future House. Since this year marks 10 years of Future House it was only right to do something about it! :D

I hope you will enjoy this one as i did making it!


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  • the intro is v nice, not a huge fan of all the chords being minor, just sounds weird to me

    But its groovy man :D Glad to see u makin tunes again

  • HE'S BACK!!!

  • Been a hot minute seeing a track from you! Your overall mix sounds good. The bass and sub do this track justice. Technically, I cannot think of anything wrong with this track. It is a bit repetitive for my taste. If this is a backing track then it is perfect but I feel like there could be more stuff in the mix if this is a solo track. I am not too well versed with old-school FH so my feedback might not apply but this is all my personal opinion.