One sitting. 4 hours. Done. The chords were fun! Can we get this to 300 likes?!

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  • this song is so dead XD

  • that lead reminds me of stretching. is that weird?

  • oooh this is def different :D

  • just constructive critic:

    · personally, i think it's too repetitive! i think you can do some other parts, these chords are well good, not only 3 notes, and i think you can give us lot of more cool parts!

    · well, pleaaase, stop create topics for "future trap" -> it's the most-published genre on audiotool, and i love future trap, but when it's chill, creative, not with classics sounds (oh hey 808, how are you?), etc. And too, i personally think the trap is way [ah fuck no enough place]

    3 more
  • ooh damn

  • i put no effects on the bass. oh yeah, that's one bass.

    3 more
  • actually, this bass is compatible with sub, so they won't destroy each other.

  • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Republished

    Fixed when the bass get louder in the 2nd drop. Put more chords on top of the ending.

  • I tried out band compression.

  • h o l y f u c k me

  • It won't chart. But at least I know all my followers like this... RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Republished

    turned up the bass in the second drop.

  • I like your abstract sytle. :)