8th beat droped!!!

May God bless y'all!!!

This track started as a rythm while I was at church...Tbh, It means a lot to me.

I hope y'all like it... and... Be blessed in Jesus name. ;)

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  • its nice to see that people believe in god

    Gods love is everlasting😊😊😊😊😌😌

  • showing love for the OG since I found this through a remix that was basically the same

    Fun fact, I'm remixing the remix! Stay tuned <3

  • this is amazing brother 🤎🤎

  • hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllyyyy mother of all things amazing this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6 more
  • im gonna remix this shiiit

  • This is epic, y'all. I kind of want to remix this, ngl! :D

  • this is awesome, like teach me ur ways!

  • yoooooo

  • I like the way this track evolves and opens up towards the end, very climactic. Though I'd say throw in some more variation in the drums and touch up the mixing a bit. In the part starting around 00:34 and onward you should automate the pitch of the 808 to match the notes of bass because they clash a bit. Since the 808 is pretty bassy already you could prob get away with removing the synth bass from that part entirely

    • Thnx for ur advice bro... However, I'm a starter, and I'm still practicing with them beats... Also, my laptop started to glitch everytime I wanted to play the song in the studio... For my next track... Can we collab so u can teach me more of this software?

    • Other than that, eq may be your friend for avoiding clipping, if you've done the best you can volume-mixing wise. The clipping is pretty intense especially in the last part. I'd look at your lows and low mids specifically and manage those to get everything to fit together more nicely.

      Don't worry about your kick or snare clipping a tiny bit though, you have some breathing room with drums

  • Niiiiiiiiccceeee

    I was loki freestylin

    Awesome job by someone younger than me

    Well done G

  • def could use a bit better mixing

  • skkrt skrt, sick shit my guy

  • i forgor