One and a half sittings (5-ish hours [still needs a lot more])

I still struggle to make odd meters work

Something's very off until that higher arp comes up.

Enjoy, maybe.

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  • You dont get it.

    I hate your rationilazation of it all, but you just dont understand.

    You have 0 clue.

  • The dumbest person on planet Earth

    • That still does not make you “the dumbest person on planet earth”

    • It's not about that. Where someone else would've already taken care of themselves I have not. As if ignorance would make things better, I chose that.

      I choose that.

      I'm afraid of death now.

    • No matter how dumb you think you are, there is always someone dumber

    1 more
  • wowzers

  • Holy crap