Where is that sample from? It sounds like something I once knew for some reason

@WOLFEYE and I made a track together!
Zir0h: My deepest hope is that you will like this track because it contains an element I feel is TRULY different. I've been trying really hard to come up with unconventional sounds, and mold them into something conventional and pleasing to a wide variety of audiences. This song features one such sound. It's nothing great, but try to stay open minded <3 I built this sound from scratch, and I plan on trying to implement it more effectively in the future.
I've been playing around with the matrix and I came up with a sort of carnival pipe organ sort of sound, so I threw some things together and @WOLFEYE helped me put the finishing touches on with his awesomely chill melodies and solid arp chords!! I don't love this track and I honestly might've scrapped it if Grek hadn't thrown his cool thing into it.
the only good part in my opinion is what Grek made xD which is that sort of whiney, circle wavey sounding synth you hear briefly in the beginning middle and end. also, the white noise builds, parts of the drums, and those arp chords were him as well. It just wouldn't feel right letting it gather digital dust in the draft demons' devilish den...
This has been sitting idle for too long, so we wrapped it up and published it. Hope you guys like it!
As always...
Stay classy, San Fran.
Hope you love it!!
"all writing can be crossed out. but what has been said only remains to add!"
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