This was my second favorite on this site. (First was Mp3 Female by Alko and Stormdrain, got deleted ;-;)

I think my mixing probably peaked here
just practicing
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0 -
1 god damn
0 Sorry, but I'm stealing this yoy bass >:)
0 0y0y0y0y00y0y0000y0y00oooy0o
0 this is cool
a tearout remake of this would be epic
0 Nice
0 Yoo
0 The fire department called-
0 the frickin overtones on the bass!
0 as the first track i hear back on AT, i must say this one had my call the fire department
0 Sick shit dude!
0 god damn
0 cool! *growls
growl happens
0 the second and 3rd one
my ears are burning off
0 This is the first time I actually messed with the knee, attack, and threshold parameters on the quantum more than I usually do, and I think it shows lol. Proud of myself :)