cool song! agree with said above, everything will get better

Will be up next sat :]
Maybe it dose not feel like it right now, but there is a reason to live for tomorrow. I now have people who give me hope that tomorrow will be ok.
The background is my near constant struggle with being suicidal and feeling like my life will always be shit, and I mean if it will always be this way, whats the use with trying? Recently I got lucky and Im now surrounded by people who make me want to try, Im starting to care now about my life, about me. Best of all, the best one is now my boyfriend! I love him so much and he makes me want to care for myself. I dont feel so alone, I dont feel like my life will just be a wreak no matter what. I feel like if my mental tower falls I will be able to rebuild it, and it wont be the end of the world.
To those who are going through it, it will get better. It seems very overwhelming to navagate, but finding where you belong, with the people who love you helps. Find a reason to get out of bed. Mine was people and arts.
So, go out there, make some friends, take your meds, get some sleep, and eat and drink. It will make you feel better. Get some help if you need to. You are loved, have an awesome day/night.
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