a study in ephemerality

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  • One day i will make stuff like this

    I swear it

  • live version of this soon :p

  • idk why I hadn't faved. amazing song my boy

  • bro i swear i always come back

    • ty! ill let ya know if i run into difficulties

    • nice! lmk if anything comes up i'd be happy to help if i can :)

    • oh wow, in depth alaysis!

      thank you so much for this man!

      imma try some of these things out, and get reaper(hopefully soon)

      as for my room, that'll be ok since i have a treated one

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  • This reminds me of the type of music I would usually listen to on a daily basis! I like the melodies and drums, they are so positive and energic! The little details are perfect!!!! Its such a vibe! I love it! <3

    • thank u!! will definitely release this at some point i want to make more like this

    • *downloads to listen in the early mornings*

  • everyone's talking about the chords, but does anyone notice that amazing bass?!?!

    • ty! ill give credit :>

    • remix is open steal whatever you want!!

    • but also while talking about chords, can i snag that synth(👀)? lol

  • i thought a drop would come in at 1:00 , ngl

    • then the vocals went down instead of up, and i love it

      really played on my expectations here

  • Beautiful chords and pads, just discover this music and already love it !

  • rlly like it, this would sound rlly cool with some background vocals, maybe something an octave up and place them where it gives the main vocals a delayed effect or something? srry if that’s confusing just had a small vision in the track lol, nonetheless though very nice sounds keep it up

    • i appreciate it . i feel like it's a response to the letter to the sun era where i'd hide my vocals in layers and layers of harmonies and backgrounds etc. which maybe i'll get back to at some point it's just not what i'm into rn

    • feel that, definitely catch it in a lot of your tracks forsure

      and the style fits nicely with the instrumentals as well so

      you’ve got it down pretty good, keep it going man

    • i've been sorta fixating on the super direct super raw vocal sound for the past couple months. like just one main vocal maybe with subtle harmonies but super super focused you know?

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  • lmao...

  • how is nobody talking about how the cover art looks like a ballsack

    • you see what you want to see

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  • loving the sound you got going here!

  • i keep coming back to this

    those chords are so happy and full, i love this!

  • this feels like something i'd hear on a tiktik vlog montage- i have no idea why but i do aaaaa

    • now i waanna make a blog

    • both/neither

    • concerned in a "why are they using my music for their vlog" way or a "wow i cant believe someone's using my music... i hope it wont be used for tiktok dance videos-" way xd

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  • pulv gang for the win!