Wasn't this worth listening to? -Un_REAL

I like it. -The ANIMAL K1ng

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  • 6 likes, 66 plays,



  • Ponyo approves.

  • yeah, spam stuff like this on my wall, it's actually pretty bumpin!

    • @KILLSTEP I'm not joking one bit. I legit think this is pretty cool. I'm not entirely sure if the poly rhythm and low fidelity was intentional ( it sounds like it was), but it works regardless.

    • hell nah

  • It almost like- polyrythmic. The percussion is different time signature than the track or something. Sounds like this is trying to be triplets or something.

    Interesting to say the least.

  • Good Music. I like the background sound effect.

  • "Wasn't this worth listening to? -Un_REAL"

    The fuck it wasn't