This one has been a pain and a joy to work on and I'm glad I could participate in another year of Audiotool day, I am again trying out bass music and dubstep, so forgive me if my sequences are not as great. I do hope you enjoy the song and have as much fun listing to it just as I had making it. <3
Volume and leveling will sound off cause when i mixed this the sound quality was better on my headphones so ill gix that when i get home today, sorry 😅
did a huge leveling and mixing work on the entire song, planning to work on the chorus and sequences next (try to make it more new school rather than old sound design)
This is cool, I am not that big of a fan of the sound design of the space for the pads. It seems a bit jarring of a sound and I think if you toned the brightness of them they would sound better. I personally would like the sub to come out also. The bass section is cool but the sounds seem a bit outdated. Also idk if your atday entry can count due to those vocals as they are not at-generated, you will have to check the rules for that.
Appreciate the feedback, yea i wasnt really looking to place. I just wanted to use this as an opportunity to try to get more listeners, and find out what i could fix or tweek. So this is very helpful <3