THIS IS THE FIRST SINGLE FROM MY SIDE PROJECT "The Pastry Boys" Made with my homie Lucid Dreamer! The goal of this song was to put as LITTLE effort as possible into it but still have the quality shine through. and im happy to say i think we accomplished that with this track XD
pls remember that this is a meme song and novelty art meant for entertainment. These are not actual beliefs that i cary and don't promote hate like some cringe lords on the internet
🤓UM ACSHUALLY, while "semi-automatic" means you don't have to manually reload a new cartridge into the chamber every time you shoot, there's a difference between semi-auto and full auto. Semi auto automatically loads a new round, however you only shoot one round when you pull the trigger. Automatic means the firearm keeps shooting for as long as you hold down the trigger. (Until you're out of ammunition ofc)🤠 study up on firearms people.🥸
IK the difference between a clip and a magazine. Also M1 Garand is good gun.
@⌈CS⌋ RedLights (FL)
Yes I mean manually reloading such as a bolt-action (doesn't matter if it has a magazine or not) where you have to pull back on the bolt to eject the spent shell and reload a new cartridge into the chamber