That's Awesome!!!!

I love this!
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0 HEY WAIT IT ACTUALLY DID?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??
0 this will chart
0 Republished
opened remix. Dont steal it or I will hunt you down
0 whoa me likey, can i remix?
0 Solid stuff bud! for a new comer you got a lot of potential :)
1 Good progress, i love the chords, as you are new around here i recommend keep experimenting. Play around with effects and more stuff and soon you will get the hang of this But FR tho i love the vibes of this
0 Republished
no more remix or download
0 I guess this one was pretty good if someone already stole it.
0 Kinda eurodance, was waiting for a drop but aniway thats good
1 Nice track,no matter what style
0 I'm not sure if this is really EDM but who cares